ExeQuantum - About us



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Security for everyone, everywhere

Quantum computers are being developed by governments and conglamorates as you're reading this, in a race to create the first commercial Quantum Computer.

This is great news for many science fields. However, quantum computers are set to break current Cybersecurity frameworks, rendering massive amounts of data insecure.

Large corporations are already adopting Post Quantum Cryptography to prepare, and are urgning everyone else to do the same.

Not everyone has the budget, time or capabilities to make the switch in time, though. This is where we come in.

Versatile and Affordable

When we say "everyone, everywhere", we mean it.

Whether you're an early stage startup, a government branch or anything in between, we have the solution for you.

Our API can fit any framework, language or device, making your transition to Post Quantum Cryptography easily.

The first 1000 API calls are completely free, giving us the chance to prove our value.

Compared to most enterprise security solutions, our rates are extremely affordable, perfect for tighter budgets.

Integrate and Forget

Never worry about security again.

With ExeQuantum, there is no need to overhaul your entire Cybersecurity framework. You can easily fit our solution into your existing or new product while keeping everything else intact.

We continuously update our security, making sure to keep it fully up to date with the latest guidelines.

When you integrate ExeQuantum, you can rest assured your security is covered, letting you focus instead on your product.

Ready to secure yourself from tomorrow's threat?

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