ExeQuantum - Key Generation



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Seamlessly integrate PQC into your app.

No need to learn a new algorithm or upend your entire app - let our API take care of the Quantum Menace.

Automated API for all your security needs.

• End-to-End encryption.

• TLS for secure data exchange.

• At-rest and in-transit encryption.

• Digital signatures for spoof protection and blockchain integrity.

• Enhance your protection using real quantum computers

Short and Sweet Setup

You can set up in a few short steps, no credit card information required.


Sign up

First, sign up to the platform.

No credit card required, just your email and a password.


Get your token.

Upon signing up, you'll be given your unique API token.

You'll need the token to be authorized to use our API.

Make sure to keep your token safe!


Begin using the API!

You're set! Enjoy developing your app without having to learn a whole new type of security.

You can see documentations on how to use PQCaaS here

You'll be sent an invoice at the end of every month to your email.

Affordable Pricing

Beat the hackers without breaking your bank.

First 1,000 API calls

• The first 1,000 calls are free.

• After you used them all, you will be notified to prevent accidental overusage.

• Can always cancel usage beforehand, no strings attached.


*Subject to our T&Cs

Above 1,000 API calls

• Seamless integration of PQC into any existing or new app.

• Continuously updated to keep ahead of threats.

• Pricing accessible to all sizes.

• Customer support available on weekdays and weekends.

$30AUD/month + $0.00025/API call

Ready to take your product's security to the next level?

Contact us