ExeQuantum - About us



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Use Quantum to Protect from Quantum

Enhance your security using quantum randomness.

Our API offers the option to be quantum powered for military grade security.

Why Quantum Powered?

Classical computers aren't truly random. Instead, they use mathematical operations to generate psudeo random values. Randomness is crucial for encryption keys, to make it harder for malicious actors to predict the keys used for securing your data.

Unbreakable keys

Quantum randomness is truly random, meaning the keys generated using them are completely unpredictable.


Quantum Powered Encryption (QPE) is scalable and accessible, offering the best of both computational worlds.


Our API handles all the necessary quantum operations in the backend, meaning from your end it's just a matter of a toggle.

Quantum in a click.

Just toggle on "Quantum Powered Encryption", and let our backend handle the rest.

When toggled on, our API will utilize Q-CTRL's quantum computer to generate true randomness for powerful encryption keys.

Note: needs to be enabled for your account. Please contact us for more information.

Unbreakable Security, Reasonable Price

Quantum Powered Encryption (QPE)

• Seamless integration of QPE into any existing or new app.

• Continuously updated to keep ahead of threats.

• Customer support available on weekdays and weekends.

$500AUD/month + API costs

Ready to take your product's security to the next level?

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